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Customize Your Own Retreat Package

Dive Deeper into the Infinite Possibilities

Customize your own retreat by hand-picking the finest healing journeys and experiences for your growth and pleasure.

We’ve taken our time to cultivate the most Authentic Experiences there are to offer when coming to Sedona for a Retreat Vacation. This is a collection of all of the offerings that we have gathered through countless practitioners & healers of high integrity and high frequency within our Sedona Healing Community.

High Vibe Collective



Emotional Release Breathwork

Emotional Release Breathwork is a powerful healing modality that utilizes trauma informed touch and NLP verbal cues to support the nervous system in releasing stressors that lay dormant in the body. The work is intended to clear out stress and suppressed emotions so that clients leave having regained clarity. The first half of the session is considered active, perhaps even uncomfortable and the second half is more passive and receptive. The method is to clear out trauma, drama, and stress, and then re-pattern the nervous system with new neuropathways through various breath techniques.


Rhythmic Breath Reset with Chakra Balance for Wellness

In this active meditation using rhythmic breath, music and the power of the meditative mind, you will be guided through an experience that will uplift your vibrational frequency, clear stagnant thoughts and emotions, align the energy centers within your body. This session will send you on your way feeling lighter, happier, relieved and energetically relaxed. You will leave with tools to take with you. We will be using various breathing techniques that you can learn and bring with you into your life to alleviate stress, balance hormones, gain clarity, detox the blood and organs as well as keep the aura clean and bright.



Medicine Wheel Journey

The medicine wheel is a ancient tool originally gifted to the plains Indians by a great white buffalo calf woman. Throughout the ages, cultures the world over have honored and worked with the cardinal directions. The Vedic tradition calls it the dharma chakra. I Jai was initiated into the tradition of the medicine wheel by a black foot elder. The medicine wheel is a potent tool for prayer, meditation/contemplation and intimate connection to earth, cosmos, ancestors, soul and All Our Relations. Receive the gifts of the directions through this priceless opportunity.

Cacao Ceremony

Ceremony weaved with prayer and sacred song infuse the cacao with our intentions of love and compassion. Drinking the cacao while visualizing it filling our bodies with soft, gentle, healing energy connects us to our heart center and self love. Your heart opens and fills with love and bliss, connecting with the divine essence of your higher self. Because of cacao’s ability to increase your connection to your Higher Self and Heart Chakra, it aids in any transformational shift you are working towards. Discover how sacred cacao, infused with sacred music & ceremony, powerfully opens the heart and paves the way to transformation through self-love.



Self Love Practices & Rituals Coaching

After identifying the areas in your life where you feel stuck and stagnant, or where there are repetitious energy patterns, we then work to illuminate the areas where more growth and expansion are desired. Then we look at practices and practical tools that can be newly implemented into your every day life to inspire a feeling of freedom sustainably. It can be easy for us to give and give to our loved ones, but when we truly learn the feeling of having a full cup, one that we are filling ourselves, we learn to give at a greater capacity than ever before, never feeling drained!

Life & Manifestation Re-Integration Coaching

After a transformational experience, when integrating back into daily life, the routine, mundane, and ordinary can often feel heavy and cumbersome. Re-Integration Coaching empowers you to exercise the tools you’ve received on your retreat, so you can shift your mindset to the long game, making “putting in the reps” of forming new habits more enjoyable and approachable. Two one-hour coaching calls are scheduled two weeks apart, ideally within a month of returning home from your Sedona retreat. These calls creatively address the real life hiccups that come up when staying the course to realize your greater potential.

Discover Your Soul Purpose

Find your true calling & passion in life. During inner journey session, you will spend most of the session in the spirit realm connecting with guides at an even higher vibration level. Its purpose is to expose you to begin your inward journey to shine light on your darkness. You will discover how to tap into your inner wisdom and the infinite universe to gain valuable knowledge and awaken to your soul’s purpose on earth.

Energy Skills Private Lesson

Connect directly with the ability to read, generate or produce the exact right frequency for any circumstance. Life is fundamentally a game of energy, so when we practice consciously reading, generating and directing energy, we can enhance all the dimensions of our lives: more manifestation, more meaningful relationships, more pleasurable experiences. These teachings transcend lineage and dogmatic approaches, instead utilizing the pure intent of your Creator nature

Shamanic Life Coaching

Take a deep dive into the area of your life that has held you back from being the best possible version of you. A cermonial setting is created to provide a sacred container within which to set your intentions and receive insights. Tuning into your higher self, using ancient Shamanic tools and techniques, you will discover the self-awareness needed to move forward in your life situation.

Spiritual Guidance and Mentoring Session

Divinely guided insight and advice, identifying and transforming limited belief systems and self sabotaging behaviors into self love and empowerment.

Intuition Building & Soul Connection Activation

Starting this session will be some easy tools given so when you leave you will know how to continue to strengthen your own innate connection with your soul. Much of which is through esoteric and practical means. We then journey together as we dive into a guided meditation to release energies that may be hindering your ability to connect to your own inner guidance system. Allowing anything that needs to be released to fall away gracefully. As we journey through this experience you will feel safe enough to open and expand your heart, which is, your connection straight to your soul. As you expand this connection you will open to allow activational energies to assist in clarity of mind, intuition strengthening and trust in self. The foundations of opening to your abilities in greater more impactful ways. As you leave you will have a stronger connection to your own wisdom.

Couples Sessions


Divine Love: Couple and Relationship Ascension

Are you wishing to experience more joy and pleasure in your body and in your relationship? Do you feel stuck living in the same pattern and story? Do you feel like your relationship reminds you of your childhood and your parents’ energies? Did you notice every new relationship ends the same way and you feel hurt? Do you feel hopeless that you would ever meet your divine mate? Are you ready to embrace patterns, past lives, soul lessons, and rewrite your story? Divine relationship begins from the activation of self-love and gratitude for all lessons, experiences, people you met in this lifetime, past incarnations, or other dimensions and worlds.During this session, you would learn about yourself and your partner on the deep intimate level of the soul and spirit. Also, you would explore tantra practices, breath work, emotions as energy exchange, affirmation, body language, meridian points, nourishing touch and bodywork, and create your own couple rituals. With this session, you would deepen your interactions with your partner on the soul level, and feel safe and free to speak your truth.

Astrological Relationship Synastry

Discover your Relationships. A full chart breakdown of both partners consists of understanding you and/or your partner’s psychology from an Astrological perspective and integrating respective similarities and differences by how the planets correspond together.

Contact Improvisation for Couples

Play within a somatic space to open up new channels of communication through the body. This can include verbal & nonverbal communication skills, power play, listening & responding, play, pattern recognition and dissolution, therapeutic touch, and more. An incredible way to deepen into connection with one another and grow together. The dance reflects patterns that occur in day to day life and can aid in creating joy and ease in a relationship.

Energy Healing


Reiki Energy Healing

Experience deep healing through a combination of reiki, and intuitive energy healing modalities. During this session, we will be renewing your energy field through each chakra, and allowing your cosmic energy to flow back to you and within you. If you have specific blockages or repetitive patterns occurring in your life that you want support in releasing, this session will help you do so. You will leave our time together feeling clear- minded, refreshed, and brand new.

Shamanic Journey

Be lead into a deep, relaxed theta state, you will be guided into the shamanic realms where you will meet your Spirit Guide. Your Spirit Guide will be your ally & companion leading you to your own sacred space where you can heal old wounds & traumas. You may also speak to your Higher Self here & other Divine Allies, seeking spiritual guidance & receiving messages. In this place you may inquire & learn about your sacred mission in this lifetime, your dormant gifts & how to reclaim them, how to step into your power & create the life you desire & deserve!

Shamanic Reiki

Shamanic Reiki utilizes various techniques which can help gently remove blocks or stagnant energy which may limit you from living a full healthy life. A session may include the use of drumming, crystals, guided breath, sound healing and aromatherapy with the intention to fill the empty space with channeled life force energy. Shamanic practices are ancient techniques used to align you with Source, earth’s energy, your spirit guides and Higher Spirit for transformative healing work. Reiki is a practice of channeling energy, laying on hands or simply working in your aura or energy field to facilitate healing. When we synergize these two practices, we amplify the healing power of each, allowing deeper clearing and balancing at all levels of mind, body and spirit.

Energetic Emotional Release

Release deep or stagnant emotional wounds and patterns from your body. Find a new way to relate to yourself. Experience release in your mental, physical, emotional, and psychological bodies. Your session will include a synchronystic flow of modalities to pinpoint and dust off key areas in your life that have been holding you back.

Shadow Work and Soul Fragment Integration

Are your worn-out thoughts, emotional patterns, hiding or playing small preventing you from fully living and expressing yourself in your life? Shadow work is a powerful healing tool and it is simply becoming aware of what’s hidden and gradually integrating those aspects of yourself. Suppressed wounds, pains, childhood experiences, trauma, and past memories becomes shadows. Behind every shadow, there is a special gift and power that is ready to be unleashed and embraced. During the session, you would travel through time and space, to the initial experience where you created core wounds/energies and transmuted them into light energy. At the end, you would integrate the healed soul fragments into your collective energy.

Energy Healing for Kids, Teens and Special Needs

Energy Healing works on all levels of the body-physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and promotes calmness and relaxation. It helps to improve self-esteem, restore health, and emotional balance. Energy Healing can also help children with ADD/ADHD and disabilities by rebalancing the energy field and reducing a child’s temper tantrums, irrational fears, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, illnesses, injuries, as well as the more challenging problems that children with special needs face.

Emotional Clearing & Releasing

Do you have any negative emotions, blocks stuck in your emotional field holding you back? Would you like to feel lighter and free of negative self talk?

Energy +Body Work


Chakra Clearing & Balancing

Our body has 7 main energy centers that help create the electromagnetic field around our body. Each energy center has a gland associated with that chakra & each gland is like a small brain & has it’s own electromagnetic field within the Greater Field. Stagnant energy may build up within our chakras causing disharmony within our field. Often our negative emotions, patterns, & thoughts can be a reflection of needing to clear energy stuck within the Chakras causing these consistent patterns. In this Session the Chakras will be cleared, balanced & aligned using a variety of hands on energy healing techniques. Promoting a sense of well-being, peace, relaxation, & clarity.

Transformational Bodywork

A modality designed to remove physical and emotional trauma from the neurological, musculoskeletal, lymphatic and limbic systems nurturing a more peaceful, whole, and in-tune mind-body-spirit.


Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy focuses on identifying and resolving restrictions in the dural sheath of the spinal cord that are said to cause restrictions in fascia throughout the body. This is coupled with cranial and facial bone manipulations which involve freeing up osseous, sutural or soft tissue restrictions that may have formed from a variety of forceful traumas inflicted anywhere on the body at any point throughout one’s life.


Intuitive Hands on Healing

This modality works with the art of Reiki without the format. This is a gentle and receptive approach to healing that requires very little from the client to achieve greater well being. Utilizing your body’s natural responses to energy work, Your practitioner will be intuitively guided to the sections of your energy bodies that require the most attention. The intention is to rebalance, cleanse, and open the Chakras. This healing modality can cleanse the energy bodies, restore communication between them, cut energetic cords, restore physical/spiritual/emotional well being and open any blockages that have formed. This is great for someone who wants to release unprocessed emotions and move stagnant energy without having to consciously revisit them!

Interactive Trauma Release

You will be boldly guided through trauma-releasing exercises that help you uncover, own, and release your true emotions behind traumatic experiences. This healing modality allows you to be “held” in a safe space while you allow your body to open up, move through stagnant energy, and enhance your ability to express. This is a deep process that can remove ten years of weight from your chest.

Intuitive Arts + Crafts


Painting Barefoot in the Red Rocks to Release Stress

Once we arrive to the painting location, we will take a few moments to quietly contemplate our surroundings and center our hearts, minds and breathe. We then break out the art materials and begin the painting magic! We will work together step by step. You will be supported the entire time. You may choose a more tutorial-like painting experience or just keep it loose for you to relax, breathe and take in your surroundings! No experience is necessary. This is an artistic vehicle through which you can bring your connection to the majestic land of Sedona alive.

Mandala of Altars

Create an altar and learn how to create them on your own to use as a tool to anchor your intentions or prayers. This is a creative way to express your soul. Receive insights and messages from sitting with your altar. This experience provides an artistic meditation, and an opportunity to connect with the elements. Learn more about how the vortex energy of Sedona can support you in magnifying your intentions and deepen your connection to Soul and Psyche. Creating an altar is also a way to honor a life transition, milestone, or rite of passage. This session will be specifically tailored to your intentions.

Intuitive Readings


Astrology Birth Natal Chart Synastry

Discover your: Relationships. Life Purpose. Vocation. A full chart breakdown walks you through an understanding of your life from an Astrological perspective and integrating new lessons into your reality. Astrology is a powerful and highly accurate way to understand what planet you embody – as there is one specific planet that emanates its expression and unto a being – accompanied by a wing of two others. The 3 main planets create a blueprint of the personality, along with the zodiacs – in its archetypal forms, providing a unique expression of that planet. When read correctly, you can break down the blueprint of your incarnation by understanding the karmic themes of your Soul’s Journey. An in-depth analysis of your birth chart and respective synastry to reveal the true purpose of your current manifested incarnation is provided. (We will need your Birth Date, Time & Place of birth for this accurate reading, preferably one week in advance.)

Human Design Reading & Embodiment

The Human Design System is a synthesis of ancient and modern sciences, and has proven to be a valuable tool for human understanding. It provides you with simple yet effective tools to enhance your life, reducing confusion, stress and resistance. It is essentially your own navigation tool. Get the download on the genetic infrastructure that is the foundation of your uniqueness. Whether you’re new and need introduction to the basics or you’re well-informed and looking for support in your embodiment/deconditioning process, this Human Design session can help you. This will require sharing your Date of Birth, place of birth, and time of birth for an accurate chart reading, preferably one week prior to session.



Intuitive Massage

Each massage is a combination of techniques and intentions based on what the body is communicating and the individual needs of the client. Our massages are never quite the same because each client and body is never quite the same. Adamant care and diligence are delivered in the assessment portion of the massage. Boundaries are discussed, general concerns/ questions brought up, and a collaborative plan on how to meet the clients’ wants, goals and desires.

Swedish Massage

Massage oil or cream is used with smooth, gliding strokes (Sedona Shea Butter or Body Bliss Chakra Oil Add-On recommended). Swedish massage uses firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension and improve circulation. It is a classic massage that will ease your stress and allow you to slip into a calm state of relaxation. 90 and 120 minute services may also include face massage, foot reflexology, or abdominal massage upon request.

Deep Tissue Massage

Designed to remove severe tension, deep tissue massage relieves both muscles and connective tissue below the surface. You and the therapist will determine the best combination of Therapeutic Massage (slower, relaxing) and Sports Massage (neuromuscular, active and passive release, and stretching) for optimal healing. Enjoy improved posture, range of motion, and injury recovery!

Full Body Massage

Full body massage promotes deep relaxation to calm the nervous system, reducing anxiety and tension in the body. The benefits of massage can have a positive, lasting impact on your overall health and lifestyle. It aids to rid your body of every day stress, reduce muscle pain and tension, help alleviate the discomfort of certain ailments, and help restore balance to your body and mind.

Massage and Energy Work Session

Relaxing massage accompanied with energy healing techniques, usually Reiki depending on the practitioner. This allows the massage experience to be felt on a deeper energy level while the body finds relaxation and release alongside it.




Guided Meditation

This guided meditation is focused upon three foundational principles : breath, presence and awareness. Whether someone is a beginner or an advanced practitioner, this practice has endless depth and growth in these three foundations. The aim of the practice is to get out of thinking and get in touch with reality, here and now. The practice dissolves layers of tension physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Breath, Presence and Awareness are ever present in our life, when we learn to become deeply rooted and connected with them, so much more peace and clarity come into our daily experience.

Peace Park Walking Meditation

During this session we will take a journey through the Buddhist Peace Park, a a great location for walking meditation. Practice the Art Of Conscious Breathing & Self Awareness with our eyes open walking through these beautiful lands. Learning to stay calm, peaceful and connected while our eyes are open is when meditation becomes more established in our daily life. This is an essential step for developing inner stability and maintaining clarity, all through the simplicity of breath and self awareness.


Heart Mind Alignment Meditation

The Heart & Brain both have measurable electromagnetic fields that radiate our energy into existence & life all around us. When the Heart & Mind are energetically connected & their fields are balanced science has seen remarkable results in greater coherence & communication between them. Through a deeper Heart & Mind connection, we move through the world as a more Whole individual, with greater peace, love & clarity.sing our inner peace, love & interconnected-ness.

Men’s + Women’s Circles


Private Women's Circle

As a group of Women, connect to your wild, sacred hearts. Follow your intuition and reclaim your power & magic. Experience meditation, visualization, breathwork, light language, sound activation, ritual, yoga, dance, prayer + more to assist you and your women on your journey through empowerment, re-wilding & awakening. All circles are based in unconditional love and truth.

Private Men's Circle

For groups of Men, connect with your innate masculine presence to embody the positive leadership we need. Uplift through breathwork, meditation, group/partner practices, and sharing circles. Experience embodiment of the divine masculine through a safe container. Move through vulnerability and to greater strength and understanding of honor. To do the work together, men lifting up men. What is the divine masculine and how is it to find? How does it look to embody the divine masculine? To explore and discover how to be better, is the challenge we accept.

Movement Classes


Embodied Soul Dance Ceremony

This experience is a movement-based spiritual practice that stimulates healing, empowerment, artistry, and liberation through ceremonial engagement of dance, breath, voice, and sound. You will share dance and go through different spaces of connecting with self and connecting with others-the collective through the communication of dance. A space to be witnessed and to witness in this authentic embodied expression in ceremony.

Contact Improvisation Group Somatic Dance Experience

Opens up individual and group awareness by helping us connect to the earth, ourselves, and each other. This session typically involves a warm up, experiential exercises, and a closing circle and is designed to bring people out of their minds and into the body.

Contact Improvisation 1-1 Intensive

A deep immersion for someone specifically interested in learning Contact Improvisation. One-on-one sessions are catered to the client’s needs, desires, and energy level. This often includes warm up time, open dancing, feedback, and can include experiential exercises or dance scores to deepen the experience.



Transformational Photography Session

Each photogragher is a master space-holder with a visionary eye that helps you feel safe to express your true self in front of the camera. Heal limitations from expressing yourself authentically in front of the camera! Receive guidance through limitations, expression & embodiment. You will be guided through an empowering session, capturing your raw emotion, beauty and bliss in the process. Ceremonial tools may be used to help channel and invoke your authentic and unique Goddess vibration. In collaboration with Divine Light, stunning photos with a full color edited gallery will be yours to cherish forever,

Sound Healings


Sound Healing Journey

Your Practitioner begins by inviting you to relax into pure presence, sometimes inviting in a bit of breath-work and meditation. Sound bowls guide you through a transformative inner meditation, sometimes accompanied by light language or native american flute to bring in different frequencies. Your guided sound journey will be unique to your needs of what you are calling in or releasing, leaving feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

"7 Flutes of the 7 Chakras"

This beautiful and unique healing journey assists with aligning to your authentic self and feeling a deep sense of well-being. Experience a complete re-balancing of your 7 major energy centers, called the chakras, through this blend of aromatherapy, crystal intention, guided visualization, and sound vibration. In this immersive, multisensory spiritual voyage you will receive a sound bath with the healing vibrations of voice, drumming, crystal singing bowls and 7 native flutes tuned to the 7 chakras. Give yourself the gift of relaxation and re-alignment into your highest expression!

Sound Healing with Reiki

Relax comfortably as music, chimes and crystal bowls are played to help you heal and transform. A Reiki practitioner will spend time with each person during the group session for extra levels of energy healing through hands on touch. Essential oils and copal help to create a relaxed and dreamlike state for deep levels of healing. This is a great way to integrate and work through any emotional processing throughout the day. Group discounts available.

Channeled Light Language & Sound Healing Transmission & Activation

Music, shamanic tools and energetic techniques with proper space holding to mobilize stagnant energy will be used in this session. This is a total safe space for healing emotional wounds and trauma from the past that is in need of assistance to process.

Vocal Auric Tuning Sound Journey

Use the power of voice to clear, restore, and promote well being. The practitioner will sing you into a more balanced state as she rattles the energetic daggers out of your field and leads you to your true nature through the power of sound. Drumming into energy centers and calling back fragmented parts of yourself. Singing in close proximity to all of the bodily chakras to balance and enliven them, this process is meant to awaken the life force within your will center and restore your joyous curiosity for life! 

Wellness Sessions


Self-Care Body Healing Practices

Whether you have specific pain patterns or just looking to expand your health and wellness toolkit, the benefits of this session can span over a lifetime. You will explore practical and effective self- massage, movement, and relaxation techniques that optimize radiant posture, healthy tissues, and a feeling of more freedom and lightness in the body.

Peaceful Body Experience

Learn practical ways to nurture a more peaceful experience in your body. Explore how to quickly find restful or enjoyable active states, become more aware of your body and change your state on-demand. Experience results during the session and leave with a toolkit for your own practice. Every participant can receive a taste of Craniosacral bodywork during the experience.

Masculine-Feminine Polarity Balancing

Navigate the subtle energies within your being, fostering harmony and equilibrium between the masculine and feminine aspects of your essence. Experience a profound sense of balance and wholeness as we dissolve misalignments and of our higheset expression of our masculine and feminine within. Awakening the innate power of our innate polarity within you and with others.


Nutrition Consultation

Receive guidance and new levels of awareness around your human relationship with food. This session is for people who feel called to explore new perspectives and relationships with their eating habits and desires. Every individual has their very own relationship with food, which is known as bio-individuality. There is not just one diet for everyone. Let’s tune in to your personal needs and desires to obtain optimal health and performance.


Trauma Counseling

Trauma counseling – PTSD for veterans and others, sexual abuse survivors, religious trauma survivors, nutrition microbiome counseling same pricing research included, Inner child work womb healing, nervous system regulation sessions and hormone balance consulting

Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy

It is a deep healing journey to access your subconscious mind and tap into your cellular memories, past, and any emotions by processing them through emotional and physical releases. In your relaxed state, I will guide you into regression by opening portals of time travel where you can alter vibrations of experiences into higher frequency. Your Spirit does a complete ‘body scan’ and reveals information about any problems that require attention. At the end of the session, you would connect with your inner child and activate healing from within.

Quantum Past Life Regression

Did you know that your past lives affect your current life? Repetitive patterns, experiences, unhealthy emotions, illnesses are indicators of unprocessed past. Past Life regression can help you heal physical illness, phobias, addictions, and emotional wounds as well as to understand your relationships and your life purpose.

Inner Child Healing

Inner child work is the process of contacting, understanding, embracing and healing your inner child. Your inner child represents your first original self that entered this world. It contains your capacity to experience wonder, joy, innocence, sensitivity, and playfulness. Unresolved baggage of childhood trauma causes us to experience problems including mental illnesses, physical ailments, and relationship dysfunction.


Subconscious Mind Reprogramming

Subconscious Reprogramming resets and updates the entire DNA system, releasing old programming, identifications, patterns, and any imbalances of the elements from the body, mind, brain, and all levels of existence. These imbalances are the cause of malfunction in the human operating system at all levels. After the removal of blockages and clearing cellular density, you would experience positive shifts in your health, relationships, and life.

Women’s Sessions


Shamanic Womb Healing

In a Shamanic Womb Healing Session, women are empowered to release past trauma, and reconnect to their feminine body and soul. Women who benefit from this session seek healing and wholeness surrounding menstruation, fertility, pregnancy loss, menopause, relationship clearing, womb imbalances, life purpose, sexual healing, sensual awakening and more. Vitality, creative flow, and clarity are often the immediate results from these sesions.


Divine Feminine: Sensuality, Sexuality, Power, Voice, Confidence

This session will help you to remember your power, beauty, sensuality, creativity, harmony, abundance, and love in the purest form. Feel empowered within, honored and respected, and divinely connected to your powers. Embracing Divine Feminine body, voice, intuition, and power to speak truth, as well as show up fully and authentically. Connect to your menstrual cycles and the cyclic rhythm of the moon, the seasons, and the wheel. In this journey, you would embrace self-judgment, thought patterns and beliefs about yourself, your body, femininity, and masculinity. This session will help you to heal shadows, past lives, wounds surrounding femininity, and childhood trauma.

Women's Photographic Ceremony: An Immersive Live Art Experience

This photo shoot is either set in nature or in a set built that can consist of dreamy lights, fabric and other props. Drink Cacao, experience Embodiment Rituals, set intentions and process any shadows together that may arise as a result of being photographed. I help women see themselves in their true, powerful goddess archetype, or whichever archetype they feel called to.



Goddess Yoga

Goddess Yoga is a unique style of yoga practice that is belly-dance inspired and designed for women to move our bodies in a fun and sensual way. This creates a connection with the inner divine feminine and our own self expression. The yoga class begins with rituals of anointing ourselves with essential oils and pulling oracle cards for a divine message. The practice is then focused on being present while having fun exploring new ways in moving our bodies with many heart circles, hip circles, kundalini breathing, dancing, and allowing a softness of traditional yoga poses experienced in a more flowing feminine way. Relieve stress, have fun and connect with your inner Goddess!

Deep Relaxation Restorative Yoga

This yoga practice is priceless for mind-body wellness. Allow your body to let go in order to receive balance and peace, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This practice engages the parasympathetic nervous system, gifting health to the practitioner.

Hatha Yoga

Enjoy a classical Hatha Yoga class that includes dynamic Asana, Pranayama, Bandha, Mudra and Mantra. Individual private sessions or group sessions.


Yoga for Pain Relief, Relaxation, and Healing

This session includes asana, breath work, meditation, self-mastery, and energy healing. This practice helps to rejuvenate and restore the well-being of your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies as well as calm your mind.Yoga can help you with arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, low back pain, and many other types of chronic pain conditions. All classes are customized for levels, ranging from restorative and gentle yoga for those with limited mobility or injuries, to power-style yoga for those wanting a challenging practice.


Yes, we schedule your retreat around you! 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Rain or shine, holiday or not.

Yes! Our secluded, private retreat sanctuary is located about 20 minutes from the center of Sedona. Once our guests arrive, they do not have to leave the property. It is a 2.5 acre sanctuary space geared towards healing and wellness.

Yes, we accommodate individuals, couples, friends, small groups, retreat hosts, large groups, corporate groups, and more.

Not everyone who practices a healing modality helps their client get transformational results. We pride ourselves in having the highest integrity and highest quality practitioners that Sedona has to offer. We stand by our word when we say that our highly vetted team is really walking the walk. It is always our mission for you to leave embodied in your transformation and feeling better, stronger and more You.

To find out how much your personalized Sedona Retreat will cost, please call us today so that we can quote you according to your specific situation: (928) 295-3334.

A 3-day Sedona Retreat starts around $2,760 for one person. Our Sedona Retreats are fully customizable which means you can choose to do 5-7 days or only 1-2 days and the price will adjust accordingly.

On average, our Sedona Retreats cost around $900-1500/day.

1) Call us to schedule your desired retreat, or email us at 2) Book your travel and lodging accommodations 3) Arrive to Sedona and experience your healing

We can create your retreat anytime. We offer same-day bookings if you are already in Sedona.

A deposit of 50% is required at time of booking to reserve your calendar dates and practitioners. We guarantee to hold your spot, so the deposit is non-refundable. The remaining 50% is due two weeks before your retreat start date. Full payment is required if you book a retreat that begins within two weeks.

If you have to cancel your retreat before it starts, you are entitled to reschedule for a later date in the future. We do not offer refunds due to retreat cancellation at this time, but we do guarantee you the ability to reschedule your retreat.

Once your retreat begins, you are responsible for showing up on time to each session because practitioners cannot guarantee make-up time. If you miss one of your sessions entirely, there will be a convenience fee in order to reschedule the session.

Our Retreat Center is centrally located in the heart of Sedona. Some of our sessions occur out on the land, which our clients really love. We are close to everything Sedona has to offer, including incredible hiking, restaurants, crystal shops, and more.

Most companies in Sedona do not pay their practitioners fairly, causing them to show up poorly or without genuine attention to your needs. Our practitioners are paid a quality and fair wage, allowing them to fully show up for you in each and every session with full attention, no matter what.

1385 W State Rte 89A #3, Sedona, AZ 86336